Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June's Challenge

Well, here we are almost half-way through June.  How can that be?!  It's been a crazy one around our house so far.  With a tropical storm, our nanny on vacation, and a family "vacation" coming up, it's really been a little more hectic than usual. 

I mentioned when I began this blog that last year brought us face to face with some obstacles that really changed our lives.  We really had to tighten our finances and focus just on what was necessary.  We also really struggled with being new parents in a family where mom and dad both work.  As a result, we really let ourselves (along with basically everything else) go.  We stopped working out, stopped eating healthy, forego hair cuts and makeup, etc.  The year was rough and it certainly shows on our faces... and bodies.  We feel like we aged 10 years. 

So, June is all about US!  We are making an effort to really work on improving our physical health and appearance and really get back to being happy, healthy young parents. 

For starters, we got back to juicing.  My husband and I have been juicers for years... long before Pinterest recipes and infomercials for juicing machines.  Most people thought we were nuts!  When our budget was tightened, we really only had enough to get necessities and fresh and organic fruits and veggies were just not feasible anymore.  Our budget hasn't really changed but the money I save couponing continues to increase leaving us with a little extra to spend on quality items.  Plus, we shop for our juicing incredients at local farmer's markets and the prices are much less compared to the supermarket.  Another way I've been able to fit this back into the budget is to planning out our juices or smoothies for the week so that they all use similar incredients.  This way I'm not buying tons of items and letting some go bad before we can use them. 

Next up, exercise... UGH!  I'm not gonna lie - I'm pretty lazy.  But my post-baby body just isn't doing it for me anymore.  My husband and I agreed that we would get up each morning around 5:00 and do a light workout together and then try out some yoga on the nights he's not working.  So far this month, I've been able to get up early most mornings and get some crunches in before the morning routine starts... mostly solo as *someone* still sleeps in.  And we miserably failed the yoga challenge thus far but I still have hope :)

I'm fortunate that my office building has a pretty decent gym that we can use.  I've made an effort to hit the gym during my lunch break for some cardio a few times a week.  I actually really enjoy it.  It gives me a natural energy boost for the rest of the day, keeps me away from the office gossip in the breakroom, and forces me to bring my own lunch rather that going out to some overpriced restaurant nearby <--- (I'm secretly saving my lunch money for a new pair of shoes!) 

Another big step this month was to all get hair cuts.  I know this sounds trivial, but I haven't personnaly had my hair done in over a year!! (YIKES!)  Kyran got me a gift card for mother's day, without which it wouldn't have happened.  It was great to spruce ourselves up a bit.  We are feeling better already. 

As the month goes on, I hope to continue the workouts and hopefully get the husband to join in.  Although, evening workouts aren't as appealing as beer so I'm not too sure I'll win.

Happy June!

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