Thursday, November 21, 2013

Family First - Closing the door on the past

Today begins a new day and a fresh start for my family.  We took a risk at the beginning of 2013 in an attempt to change our family.  Boy did it.  For the past 11 months, Sam has been busy running our restaurant.  We knew it wasn't going to be easy but we never expected the damage it would do to our family.  When we opened the restaurant, we never intended for it to be a full-time project for us.  But due to some circumstances beyond our control that's how it worked out.  Each day he put in 14 or more hours...  I've spent the last 11 months as a single parent and have seen my husband only in passing.  Don't get me wrong, I know others have it much worse and I'm grateful that I even got to see him this year.  But this was never the plan I had for my family. 
It's taken a toll on us emotionally and physically.  Our health has suffered.  Our marriage has suffered.  Kyran has suffered.  Our house is a disaster.  Our yard looks like no one lives there and our pool is certainly bordering code violations.  We haven't seen our friends in months.  Sam and I have spent almost every day together for the past 13+ years and to not see each other for a year has definitely affected us.  It was time to put our family first and make some changes.
Last night, we closed the doors to the restaurant and this past year.  Sam is struggling with feelings of failure and we are certainly nervous about the financial aspects of things moving forward.  But we trust in God's plan for us and we know that if we work through this together we will be okay. 
Today I am looking forward to having dinner together as a family tonight and being able to spend the weekend together for the first time in a year.  Words cannot express the happiness this brings me.  

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