Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is "Super-Mom" Real?

Being a mother is the greatest gift I’ve ever received but I’ve never had to work so hard at something in my life.  Kyran motivates me to be the best momma in the world.  But there’s no such thing as the “perfect” mom.  It’s easy to get wrapped up in all the wonderful things you should be doing for your children.  We, as moms and women, are in some sort of competition to out-perform each other.  We want to make the perfect Halloween costume, bake goodies for class, throw the perfect birthday party, and take our kids to every possible activity there is.  I blame Pinterest and Facebook J
Over the past few days I haven’t been able to do any of these super-mom things and I’ve felt, frankly, like a failure. 
Sam and I wanted to take Kyran to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin to carve or decorate and to take some pictures.  Unfortunately, we weren’t able to make the trip until Monday afternoon.  When we pulled up, we saw the field was empty and the patch was gone L  “Pumpkins all gone momma!” is what I heard the entire drive home. Heart wrenching. 
My office is throwing its annual Halloween party for the kids today so I stopped by Target LAST NIGHT after work in search of a costume.  2 days before Halloween....  Needless to say, no costumes made their way home.  Instead, I beat myself up for not shopping sooner. 
No mother should ever feel that way!  Why do we do this to ourselves?  Does it really matter?  He’s not even 2.  Will he remember that mom and dad both worked too much this year and didn’t have time to take him to get a pumpkin or that he didn’t dress up this year? NO.  The answer is NO.   The fact of the matter is we work a lot, probably too much.  But we are doing everything we can to provide him with a wonderful and happy life.  It may not be a picture perfect life, but it’s our life.    
Today I will challenge myself to be the best momma I can be and not worry about being the type of momma someone else appears to be.  I encourage you to do the same. 

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