Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lent: A time for spiritual growth

Lent.  That time of year Christians around the world give up something that otherwise brings them joy.  I think for many, however, the purpose for giving up something has been lost.  We don’t give up carbs so we can lose weight or give up shopping to save a few bucks.  The idea is that we sacrifice or fast for 40 days to bring us closer to prayer and God.  It’s easy to forget that - I'm guilty.  Despite growing up in a Catholic school and home, I never really gave up anything during lent.  We fasted on Wednesdays, Fridays and holy days and never missed a mass.  To this day I dare not accidentally grab a hamburger on a Friday…. Ah, the horror and guilt!  

So now that lent is upon us, how I am going to prepare myself and my heart?  (I know, I'm a week late!) This time last year I was in a very dark and lonely place that I was determined to find my way out no.matter.what.  I decided to use lent as an excuse to really rid myself of negativity and turn to God for help. For lent, I gave up surfing the internet at night and instead used that time read the bible and pray - probably for the first time in years.  A decision that changed my entire outlook on life.  I know some may not see me as the most "faithful person" - I definitely don't wear my religion on my sleeve.  In fact, this may be the one and only time I speak so publicly on the subject.  Instead, my faith is a very private relationship that doesn't need the interference of anyone else.  

My mother shared with me last Wednesday a Lenten prayer that asked her to chose to "fast on ______; feast on ______".  How appropriate.  She chose to fast on worry and feast on faith.  This year, I will fast from envy and continue to feast on my happiness and my faith.  I will be present in the moment.  How will you prepare your heart?  


  1. Thank you for sharing! I am guilty of losing focus, too. Your fill-in-the-blank sentence is great. I will be using it.

  2. Michelle!!! Yet again I think you are speaking directly to me. I really enjoyed your Lent Blog.

    I always appreciate the time you put into what you post on your blog!

    Have a nice Thursday.

  3. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy reading :)
