Two years ago, I started this blog as an outlet for myself. I was in a dark place and needed a creative way to share those feelings. A public blog might seem like an extreme way to express such intimate thoughts, but I honestly never expected anyone to read anything I wrote. I had a secret hope that one day I would gather the courage to really share my story - to touch just one other person feeling the same way. That day hasn't come yet.
Starting this blog opened up some new opportunities for me and I've been able to share on some incredible forums. But that comes at a price. It's amazing what people, hidden behind their computer screens, will say to someone who is clearly sharing a piece of themselves. I'm really an incredibly shy and private person so there's a fine line for me between opening up and over-divulging. I took some time away and considered walking away from blogging completely. I needed to focus on myself, my family, and my career - not what strangers thought of me.
But something always calls me back. I truly feel compelled to write. To write honestly and openly. I feel called to do this for whatever reason. I'm going to stop resisting this pull I have. I'm jumping back in, feet first, and I'm ready for the adventure. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive along the way. I look forward to some new opportunities - whatever they may be. He has a plan for me and I can't wait to see what it is.
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