Chronicles of a Working Momma

I am a mom.  I also work full-time outside the home.  I love being a mom, obviously, but I also love the balance that working provides me.  I didn't grow up with this overwhelming sense that I wanted to be a mom one day.  In fact, I never saw myself having children to tell you the truth.  I've been blessed with the most amazing family, BUT, I also love to work - it's all I know.  Working provides us, first with the monetary means for our family, but it also provides me with balance.  I can be a better mom when I'm feeling happy and complete. 

That said, being a full-time working mom isn't easy.  Each day I face new challenges and struggle to find balance.  In a series called "Chronicles of a Working Momma" I share these working mom challenges.  I think many of you can relate. 

Career or Family: Can you have it all?

Is Supermom Real?

A Response to the "You're a Stay at Home Mom" Article 

The Dreaded Commute 

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