Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life with a Toddler: You cannot control everything!

In January, I decided I was going to repaint the entire house.  Last year, we had to make a very difficult decision about whether to stay in this house or not.  After lots of soul-searching, we decided to stay.  After we made that decision, I knew I needed to make some changes in order to be happy there.  It had been about 5 years since I painted the house and I had never been entirely happy with the way the colors turned out the last time.  I was not in a position to run out and pay for gallons of paint and supplies, so I asked for Lowe's gift cards for Christmas.  It took me a few months to decide on some colors and actually make it to the store to get the paint.  Then the paint sat in the garage for a few more months.  That brings us to June, when I decided to start painting.  I told myself I would just do small sections at a time at night as I could and that would be okay - not everything has to be perfect.  It's been about 2 months now and I literally have just patches of the walls painted.  It drives me nuts but I force myself to not worry too much about it.  I cannot control everything and if it takes a year, so be it. 

If you look closely in this picture, and look past the fact that my son decided to decorate himself, you can see that half my wall is beige and half is grey.  Don't judge! :)

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