Monday, December 30, 2013

2013: A year in revew

Can you believe that 2013 is coming to an end?!  I cannot.  Where did the time go?  People say the first year of your child's life is a blur but for me, the 2nd was a flash.  What a year it was.
We started the year coming off a terrible financial turn and were hopeful for the future.  This past year was supposed to change our lives.  Boy did it!  But definitely not in any way we predicted. 
We learned so much about ourselves this past year.  This was a year of change for sure.  We opened and operated a successful restaurant, but as it turned out it just wasn't for us.  I never realized how much I needed Sam until I spent 11 months without him.  Sure he was home and not deployed overseas or something but we barely crossed paths for a year.  We have spent together since we met nearly 14 years ago!  This was one of the hardest things I've been through.  We know we don't appear to have the most romantic relationship in the world to outsiders but we really are best friends.  I don't know what I would do without him. 
Some amazing things came out of this year too though.  For starters, I started blogging!  What a great experience that has been.  I have always really enjoyed writing and it's been a great replacement for the therapist I could no longer bring myself to pay :)  It's also opened up some wonderful opportunities - mainly, being a contributor to the Tampa Bay Moms Blog
My little guy is growing so much.  He is no longer a baby and very much a little man.  This year was a bit rough on him as well.  He suffered from seizures in June and also went on a food strike for about 6 months.  Never a dull moment with this kid.  I don't know where he gets it from? :)
I've also worked very hard on myself this past year and, while I am still very much a work in progress, I can say that I am pleased with how far I have come.  I hope to continue in this positive movement. 
Thank you to all of you for your support this past year.  Be on the lookout for some really exciting things to come in 2014!

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